Marie Pye

Documenting Past Failures: (11) some conclusions, part one

The previous ten posts in this series have looked at LBWF’s record of extensive failure over the past decade or so, and it is now apposite to offer some general conclusions. First, it is notable that, by and large, the cases examined share some common characteristics, which may be summarised as follows: (a) rule breaches On paper, LBWF has always possessed clear rules to govern programme inception... »

Cllr. Pye: going, going…gone?

Word reaches me that Cllr. Pye’s position is becoming ever more tenuous, that she has been stripped of her Scrutiny position, and has one foot on the trap-door. In happier times, Cllr Pye was a member of the ruling troika, and held important Cabinet portfolios. Cllrs Loakes and Robbins dwelt on her every word. Indeed, she was Leytonstone’s very own Cleopatra, hectoring public meetings ... »