
‘Knife crime in Waltham Forest: a nasty little scandal’ UPDATED

In May 2017, this blog published a post entitled ‘Knife crime in Waltham Forest: a nasty little scandal (1)’, which, somewhat unexpectedly, attracted a big readership. What follows provides an update, focusing both on knife crime specifically, and the broader (though intimately related) issue of gangs and gang violence. First off, and very regrettably, it is worth underlining that the knife crime ... »

‘Our Olympics’: (3) The Cann Hall – Cathall – Leytonstone – Wanstead 2012 Dispersal Order (DO)

The final piece in this Olympics trilogy is about policing. It’s my experience that the police in Waltham Forest for the most part escape serious scrutiny, and for that reason I’ll be looking at their functioning and performance in some detail over the coming months. To start the ball rolling, here is a piece I wrote in December 2012 about the Dispersal Order that was imposed on South ... »